Our Vision
Our vision is to develop in these students high level thinking skills and to lead them to a journey of self discovery and divine destiny. Therefore, Rose of Sharon Christian Leadership Institute will serve as a catalyst to train young and adult nationals to become effective leaders and impact their nation.

Our Mission
Our mission is to take youth and adult nationals and train them through the Word of God who is the source of truth and through transformational leadership skills to become effective Christian leaders who will impact their communities in every facet of society and transform their nation and impact the world.

Who We are
Rose of Sharon Christian Leadership Institute, (ROSCLI) a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are a certified member of AICCS, the Association of Independent Christian Colleges, a non-profit corporation located in St. Charles County, Missouri, USA. This is the first stage of a global idea to transform everyday people into mighty men and women of God with the purpose of transforming people, cities and nations. Through Christian education based on biblical truths and through transformational leadership skills, we want to instill in young men and women a well grounded foundation of the Word of God; teach them to learn to lead from within and nurture the growth of self and others; to initiate and direct transformation to become effective transformational leaders in the marketplace and impact their environment.
Our Work in Haiti
Rose of Sharon Christian Leadership Institute primary goal in Haiti is to train youth and adult nationals through biblical truth and transformational leadership skills to become effective transformational Christian leaders in the marketplace, who will collaborate and build effective relationship who will impact their society and transform their city. Our desire is to promote awareness of rights and duties of each citizen to respect life, to respect and protect the environment and to equip them to take responsibility for themselves, the governing authority and society.